Of all the despicable actions taken against President Trump, nothing is more disgusting than the incessant assertion that he was Hitler reincarnated. Will anyone ever own up to the fact that this was a patently ugly and insidious lie?
After four years of holding an electoral mandate, the fascistic regime of Donald J. Trump is seemingly coming to an end. Despite efforts to assassinate his character until the final second of his tenure, barring any revelations of outrageous voter fraud Trump will seamlessly transfer power to incoming President Joe Biden.
Once Trump does peacefully transfer power, it will have to be admitted that neither Kristallnacht, nor forced relocation to ghettos, nor extermination camps cropped out around the countryside these past four years under his stewardship. It is safe to assume that Hitler would not have accepted a democratic ouster. All of this begs the question if anyone wonders if the media might have blown his alleged totalitarian fascism out of proportion? Of course, Antifa and Black Lives Matter have no problem destroying the businesses and properties of innocent Americans without a hint of irony.
For honest people, the closure of an embattled four years is one of frustration and disbelief. Trump’s departure comes as much a result due to the mendacious hatred spewed by media and peon alike as it was the unfortunate timing and overtly political response to the Chinese coronavirus. The media and Democrats did literally everything in their power to undermine and delegitimize Trump’s presidency, and they went to incredible lengths to ensure he was not a repeat winner. Despite Michelle Obama’s claim that Democrats would “go high” when Republicans “go low,” Democrats nevertheless reduced the horrendous suffering and genocide in 1940s Germany to mere political tokenism. In capturing the spirit of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, “If just one more Jew died in the Holocaust that could be referenced as political ammunition against Trump, then it would all be worth it.”
The connection to Nazism, Hitler, and the Holocaust are vile and unforgiveable. Retrospect should make everyone immoral and moronic enough to hurl those epithets toward either Trump or his supporters feel ashamed, embarrassed, and foolish. They should feel all three of those at once, though it is far likelier they will feel none at all.
Loathsome attacks on conservative constituents is, of course, nothing new. Hillary Clinton attempted to package Republican voters as 2016 Word of The Year contender “deplorables.” At the time, it was just one of a string of divisive and disparaging statements made by Democrat presidential candidates. In 2008, Barack Obama condescendingly noted that rural Pennsylvanian voters will “cling to their bible and guns” instead of doing the right thing and voting for him. In 2012, then-Vice President Biden accused the Republican establishment of wanting to put blacks “back in chains” and most recently, as the nominee for president, at different times has labeled Trump voters as chumps, ugly, and similarly, racist, xenophobic, and Islamophobic.
In the big picture, the hackneyed aspersions of being labeled deplorable and bigoted feel like a back massage compared to the heinous and immoral comparisons to the Schutzstaffel and genocidal atrocities that remain the hallmark of Nazi Germany. Forgetting the fact that they sell themselves as the party of unity, Democrats and their complicit media allies departed from decency, tolerance, and unity – to be sure any intelligent reportage at all – and succumbed to banal, unscrupulous fear mongering with a foundation in one of the darkest times in human existence
From the onset of his campaign, Trump had to ward off good-for-nothing “journalists” looking to make a splash in their own careers. In the run-up to the 2016 election, the media-manufactured relationships with white supremacy groups, and individuals like David Duke, plagued the Republican nominee. Time and again Trump rebuked the support from Duke (whose support for Biden this year, much like the Hunter Biden laptop story, was relegated to obscurity). No matter; the press and Democrats badgered the Republican contender for fabricated ties to white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
In August of his first year, radical leftist groups sought to tear down statues in a Virginia community. Presciently, the president said during the contentious week that the mob was going for Confederate generals that time; later on, they would go for the Founders. Naturally, he was both mercilessly mocked and ultimately accurate in his prediction. After the initial hoopla settled, which tragically left a young woman dead and another young man in prison for the remainder of his life, Trump spoke forcefully against the neo-Nazis in the crowd. On three separate incidents, first on the day of the event, two days later in the form of a press release, and again when talking to reporters the day after.
First, Trump’s remarks on August 12th were: “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides”
Then, the remarks on the 14th were: “Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”
Finally, the remarks on the 15th were: “You had people – and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists…”
The Charlottesville Lie reinforced what ignoramuses the country over wanted to believe: Donald Trump was a racist, Nazi fascist. What clearer proof did one need? He said there were good people on both sides; that means he thinks neo-Nazis are good people. Except he didn’t. And he doesn’t. Even more insane, Joe Biden kicked off his entire presidential campaign on the predicated notion that Trump stood behind the white supremacists. Democracy truly does die in darkness.
In 2018, former director of the National Security Agency Michael Hayden tweeted an image of the gates at Auschwitz, coupled with a caption that read “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”
Democrat mouthpiece Stephen Colbert is not getting as much coverage for a statement made a few days after the election in which he begs Republicans to denounce Trump because this is no longer about a blue or red electoral map; no, it is about “democracy versus fascism.” Colbert states, without any remorse: “This is the time to get off the Trump train. Because he just told you where the train is going, and it’s not a passenger train. And he’ll load you on it someday too.” Disgusting.
Twitter and Facebook recently reminded the digital community that its standards include not allowing misinformation to be disseminated on its platforms. References to the New York Post’s explosive Hunter Biden story and articles delving into potential voter fraud in crucial swing states were immediately branded as misinformation. At the very least, one might expect overt comparisons to Nazi extermination camps to qualify as similar disinformation.
A central aspect of fascism relies on subverting minority and undesirable groups from positions of power and opportunity. Two of the most-frequently cited voting blocs that Trump allegedly hated, in the form of his sexism and racism, were women and blacks. What was his record?
Trump’s misogyny failed to deliver after he repeatedly defended, supported, and propelled women to positions of power and leadership throughout his four years. In closing out this first term, despite a defeat for himself at the polls, the president remarked on the list of outstanding female candidates and female winners in congressional races. Even in personal defeat, there is a lot to celebrate vis-à-vis the advancement of female voice and leadership.
Nonetheless, to kick off his presidential inauguration in 2017, a group of angry women marched in Washington D.C. and around the country. They felt threatened by his treatment of women. While he did admit that women let him grab them (as opposed to allegedly grabbing them without permission or nosing them as if appreciating a fine wine), his four years were remarkably free of ostensible oppression. No intrepid CNN reporter asked a single woman if they thought Hitler would have allowed Jews to march in a Pariser Platz in Berlin. Likewise, after four years, it is doubtful any of these same women could offer a concrete example of how their lives worsened by a Trump presidency. Exit polls on election night revealed that Trump performed better with white women in 2020 than in 2016. How does the left, or these marchers specifically, explain that phenomenon? Surely, it’s not a matter of women voting subservientlybased on their husbands’ preferences; that would be anti-woman to suggest females cannot make up their own minds.
As his tenure unfolded, Trump continued to permit women to hold estimable positions within his administration. For one, when he built out a team it was observed that he had more women in the role of senior advisor than had Barack Obama. In fact, half of his entire team comprised women, reflective of the demographics of the nation he was leading. Political affiliation aside, he even tapped Betsy DeVos and Elaine Chao to head the Departments of Education and Labor, respectively. Nikki Haley led the delegation to the United Nations.
His party provided a national platform at the Republican National Convention to showcase women in the party doing tremendous work. The aforementioned Haley was a premier speaker. She said:
“This is personal for me. I am the proud daughter of Indian immigrants. They came to America and settled in a small southern town. My father wore a turban. My mother wore a sari. I was a brown girl in a black and white world. We faced discrimination and hardship. But my parents never gave in to grievance and hate. My mom built a successful business. My dad taught 30 years at a historically black college. And the people of South Carolina chose me as their first minority and first female governor.”
Then there was also South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. Ms. Noem, whose state for months boasted both some of the country’s lowest COVID numbers and unemployment figures, articulately outlined a vision where conservative values are not limited to old white men, remarking that “President Trump has lifted people of all races and backgrounds out of poverty. He shrunk government and put money back into the pockets of hardworking, ordinary Americans”
In the final weeks leading up to the election, Donald Trump identified and nominated one of the most decent and wholesome women across the entire country. In selecting Amy Coney Barret, Trump continued in the tradition of exposing leftism for the fraudulent practice that it is. Feminists, like the ones marching in 2017 wearing their pathetic pussy hats, practically suffered from hypoxia given that they never stopped shouting about supposed abuses and accusations of sexism. Believe all women! Men were bad and women were immaculate. Wasn’t that the rallying cry and gist of the claims? Heck, at one point during this COVID crisis a legitimate news organization ran a piece underscoring how the world benefited from and needed more women leaders in times of turbulence.
The whole nation was hit over the head in 2016 with the notion that it was time for a woman president because...she was a woman. Very deep thinking. Can you imagine the response from these same people if a man suggested it was time for a male to head up the National Organization for Women? Diversity is good, but only when it is coercive and one-sided favoring leftism.
Befitting the party of illogic and double standards, then, the nomination of the Notorious ACB was met not with cheers for glass ceilings remaining shattered - after all, she was just the third female nominee ever - but rather with jeers. Strength, intelligence, and politeness (wasn’t that why they hated Trump?) marked her
In a speech celebrating the female-centered strength of the Republican Party on election night, Minority House Speaker Kevin McCarthy brought an amazing figure to light. After this past election cycle, he noted, “we'll likely have an additional 14-19 Republican women…[which] will break the record for the most Republican women coming in at any one time — will double and will set a record for the most women ever in the Republican Party.“ Indeed, despite losing the White House, the Republicans held onto the Senate and won House seats in former strongholds in southern Florida, northern Minnesota, New Mexico, and California. As McCarthy observed, many of those gains were with women winning seats. Is Trump such a sexist that his party not only attracted qualified female candidates but voted for them, too?
Worse than the charges of sexism, nothing defined the villainy of Trump more than the charges of racism and white nationalist supremacy (rebuked 38 times in a campaign video). In the lead up to election night in 2016, Trump famously asked the black community, “What do you have to lose?” when appealing to reason and the fact that a half century of Democrats monopolizing their vote had engendered little progress. Indeed, Kim Klacik ran an entire campaign in a Baltimore congressional district expressing identical and obvious truths. Can she accuse Baltimore voters of being both racist and sexist for rejecting her?
Would a fascist, racist president push for and sign the First Step Act and clear the way for thousands of incarcerated black inmates to be released from prison? He would clearly have known that fully 91% of the released inmates would be black. It would be as if Hitler himself was chauffeured to the gates of Buchenwald, spoke to the commander of the camp, and sent the incoming trains back to their stations of egress.
Would a fascist, racist president allocate an additional (and permanent) hundreds of millions of dollars to Historically Black Colleges and Universities, while also providing over $1 billion COVID relief dollars for them specifically?
Would a fascist, racist president attract record support for a Republican candidate from likely black voters? Leading up to the election, various polls showed him earning 31%, LINK, As final tallies are made, Trump inarguably captured the highest percent of non-white votes since Nixon. Adding confusion to the electoral circus, estimates showed that Trump needed to win just 6% of the black vote to defeat Joe Biden.
When a black does vocalize support for Trump, he or she is immediately denounced as a race traitor. In the days following the election, and fearing the Supreme Court’s involvement, MSNBC host Joy Reid unapologetically referred to Justice Clarence Thomas as “Uncle Thomas.” This is the same woman who has flung homophobic and anti-Semitic remarks like cooked spaghetti against the wall and received promotions. Cardi B referred to Candace Owens as a traitor to her people who was having an “identity crisis.” As Owens pointed out, Cardi B has private security but wants to defund the police and she made millions in America but decries the free market system.
At the same time that prominent blacks have been disparaged for their support of Donald Trump, true hate has emanated from the ranks of the left. Jemelle Hill, Janelle Monaé, Chelsea Handler are not consequential other than the fact that they spew hateful and vulgar language regularly, but they do personify the ugly side of leftist politics. Hill made it very clear that white people should be blamed and vilified for a Trump win; Monaé, who happens to be beautiful and therefore thinks her lousy opinions matter, sent a tweet from her mansion saying white people who voted for Trump should “burn.” Handler, who has never been funny, took it upon herself to tell former black boyfriend, the rapper 50 Cent, that he needed to return to the Democratic plantation and vote for Biden.
None of this speaks prominently for the self-described “party of unity.”
Contrast the language of hatred from both white and black leftists to the radiant optimism, positivity, and inclusion of Tim Scott. Scott, a black Republican Senator from the white, knuckle-dragging, racist Deep South state of South Carolina, spoke alongside the aforementioned Governor Noem, Ambassador Haley, and others at the Republican National Convention. He highlighted the uniqueness and greatness of America in his speech:
“My grandfather's 99th birthday would have been tomorrow. Growing up, he had to cross the street if a white person was coming. He suffered the indignity of being forced out of school as a third grader to pick cotton, and never learned to read or write. Yet, he lived to see his grandson become the first African American to be elected to both the United States House and Senate. Our family went from Cotton to Congress in one lifetime. And that's why I believe the next American century can be better than the last.”
Under President Trump, black wages rose at a rate double the historical average and prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus it was often noted that the black unemployment rate was the lowest it had ever been in recorded history. In what looks like his ultimate State of the Union address, President Trump outlined the many successes achieved by his administration for the benefit of the black population. It practically harkens a memory of thriving Jewish businesses in interwar Germany and one almost envisions Hitler celebrating, in his own version of a State of the Union address, how Die Juden were thriving under his leadership and becoming fully integrated into German society.
Definitionally, fascism is “characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.” The left claimed that Donald Trump displayed dictatorial powers as president. Was it through his reduction of bureaucratic red tape? His insistence on letting the American public to react to the viral pandemic with as little government heavy handedness as possible? It has been challenging to determine where fascistic tendencies overtly displayed themselves because no evidence was ever offered.
The idea of forcible suppression of opposition rings loudly in the form of cancel culture, questions of potential voter fraud in crucial swing states (and specifically Democrat-managed polling areas), proposed restrictions on free speech - indeed, California is already legislating hate speech codes enforceable with both fines and jail time. Again, the claims were made of Trump wielding oppressive tactics, but no specific evidence was ever proffered. However, the same cannot be said of the left.
Finally, fascism is defined by a “strong regimentation of society and of the economy.” Which political party, in their present-day iteration, is more intensively, purposefully, and forcefully attempting to gain control over the cultural narratives and economy? Was it a president elected to defy eight previous years of increased government involvement in every sector, including healthcare and energy, or will it be an incoming president who has his sights on dialing back basic rights as enumerated in the first two amendments in the Bill of Rights and who also supports elements of Medicare for All, Reparations, and the Green New Deal. If those pieces come to fruition, there will be less of a regimentation of the economy, as it were, and more of an obliteration of it.
Nazism was and remains a corrupt, freedom-suppressing, evil, and murderous ideology. It should be reviled whenever considered and stamped out wherever it appears. Too many in the United States, a combination of myriad ignorant, uncritical, stupid, or otherwise sheeplike voters absorbed the harmful, hateful rhetoric used to describe President Trump. None of the language was true, which should have been obvious.
As the country moves forward, these enablers within the media, cultural sphere, and political process have an opportunity to reevaluate their discourse. The same is true of the voting population, that once removed from the daily bombardment of elitist opprobrium, might be in a better position to assess for themselves the non-fascism of Trump. At that point, they too can ask: Will anyone apologize or be held to account for their evil lies?
Not likely.
Marxists lie so much they no longer know they are doing it. Lying is a virtue for them. Pragmatism as the core of their cognitive process is magical thinking, disconnected from logic or reality, as long as they can assimilate more power and disempower the enemy which they project their evil on.