Live as a Conservative, Vote as a Leftist
A Common-Sense Perspective For The American Culture Wars
"We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth."
Our Great, But Imperfect Leaders
Weekend Conversations: Hypocrisies of the Left
If Sports Are Redeemable, Why Isn’t Society?
The Intersection of Fatherhood and Politics
Slow Joe was Never Very Bright in the First Place
Fatherhood Should Make Every Man A Conservative
Weekend Conversations: The Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett
Her Name Was Dajore Wilson… Say Her Name!
How Trump Can Recover From His Debate Performance
Do Democrats Actually Have a Good Idea?
California: The Golden State in Utter Decay
Everything About Modern Transportation Is Racist
The Left Only Believes in #MeToo When It Is Politically Beneficial for Them
Chicago Police Statistics Destroy Black Lives Matter Narrative
To Ginsberg - To stay just a little too long, usually with disastrously predictable consequences
Household Incomes Reflect Values, Not Racism
Could The Breonna Taylor Estate Fund The Change They Seek?
The Bizarre Taboo Against Describing Abortion
Why Do You Support Joe Biden?
Do Blacks Owe Other Blacks Reparations?
Every Card is the Race Card, But They’re Not Playing with a Full Deck
Values, Not Race, Are What Matter
Legitimate Questions About Freedom, Georgia